Education for

Futurist +Thinkers + Intellectuals + Intuits

“An INTELLECTUAL is a person who engages in critical thinking, reading, research, and human self-reflection about society. They may propose solutions for its problems and gain authority as a public figure. "Wikipedia

The FUTURISTS who are conscience practitioners, they are the core of economy, innovation and development of employment.

Learning nonverbal expressions teaches us to reach deeper levels of our minds, stretches knowledge to psychology and social engagements on a level of science. The visualization of abstract ideas and transforming them to a successful fashion design experience is in the core of the industry.

As we know Fashion Industry also produces a lot of rubbish around the world, our concept as a school is vertical education with a circular industry concept. We are working with domestic manufacturers and farms to create a wholesome thinking in the next generation of INTUITS.

THINKERS are the core of businesses and RED is committed to incubate more of independent thinkers and not followers.