President of Felix F. Callari, Inc. A family-owned automotive business comprised of BMW of Darien and MINI of Fairfield County, serving lower Fairfield County for over 50 years.
She is proud to be a life-long resident of Fairfield County and participant in the community. Besides serving on the RED Board, Paula is currently a Corporator with First County Bank. Former Boards include Chair American Red Cross of Stamford, Co-Chair Stamford Hospital Gala Committee, Co-Chair Visiting Nurse & Hospice Gala, to name a few. She is also a member of the CT Automotive Retailers Association and National Automotive Dealers Association.
In addition to her charitable and automotive involvement Paula spends most of her time navigating the treacherous waters of raising two teenage girls and enjoying the love of two dogs.
New to the RED Board, Paula is excited to be part of this innovative, energetic and youthful environment. She looks forward to contributing to the growth and success of this wonderful organization.